Membership and your Swim England number

We are frequently asked about Swim England (formerly ASA) membership and how a swimmer can find their number. Here’s a quick guide:

What is Swim England Registration?
Swim England’s annual registration means that you are insured for all Club activities and it also provides discounts on kit and events.
Swim England membership must be renewed each year by your parent Club. There are three categories of membership. Here is a brief guide but you can read more about the categories here:

What is a Category 1 member?
When you join Seals, we normally register you with Swim England as a Category 1 member.
Category 1 membership is for individuals who are part of a club and are learning to swim competitively. As a Category 1 swimmer, you are eligible to swim for Seals in competitions such as the Rother League or Novice Galas. Category 1 swimmers cannot compete in Open competitions including County and Regional championships. For this, your membership must be upgraded to Category 2.

What is a Category 2 member?
This category is for people who wish to compete in Open competitions including County and Regional championships. If you wish to do this, we ask you to pay the difference between Category 1 and Category 2 membership, which is currently £17.30, at the start of the year.

What is a Category 3 member?
Category 3 membership is for other members of Seals, such as coaches, poolside helpers and committee members. These fees are paid by the Club.

How is our membership maintained?
Swim England membership must be renewed each year and, as your parent Club, we carry out this process during April. Part of your Club membership renewal fee is used to renew your membership with Swim England. If you do not renew your Seals Membership by the deadline in May, we will cancel your Swim England registration, you will no longer be insured, and we will not let you swim.

What is my Swim England (ASA) number?
You can look up your, and indeed anyone’s, registration number on the Swim England website:
Enter your surname and scroll down the list to find your record. Click on the membership number to see your details. Click on the Member Options button to choose what information you want to display on this site. Note: this is not the same as the Online Membership System login page.

I’m not on the list. Where is my number?
Your details may not be visible because you, a parent, or club administrator, has set the privacy setting on your account in the Online Membership System (see below). Contact the Club’s Membership Secretary for assistance. If an administrator has set your privacy level we can unlock it. However, if you or a parent has set it from your account, you will need to log in yourself to unlock it. If you no longer have your membership number and password, contact the Club’s Membership Secretary. They’ll be able to tell you your number and then you’ll be able to reset your password from the login page.

How can I log in to Swim England’s Online Membership System?
The Online Membership System login page is here:
This system records your name, contact details and date of birth as given to the Club when you joined or as updated by the Membership Secretary when you renewed your Club membership. It also shows your Category, contact preferences and privacy setting. You’ll need your Swim England number and password to log in. You can reset the password from the login page – an email with a new password will be sent to the address registered to your account. This is likely to be the one you gave to the Club on your Seals membership form. If it is no longer in use, contact the Seals Membership Secretary who will be able to update your details.